
Tivan is developing a unique and strategically significant critical minerals project across Northern Australia.

Tivan+ is a cutting-edge minerals processing technology pathway to commercialise the extraction of vanadium from hard rock ore bodies with reduced environmental impacts.

Developed in collaboration with our strategic partners, CSIRO, the Tivan+ process yields three sale commodities – Vanadium, Titanium and Iron. By securing three revenue streams, Tivan+ provides a distinct competitive advantage to pure-play peers in the global Vanadium sector.

Tivan+ is a prototypical sovereign capability. It is a complex hydrometallurgical engineering process that is patent protected on a global basis. In our work with CSIRO, Tivan is onshoring critical know-how, and pushing the boundaries of research and development. In the full cycle value chain, Tivan+ underpins the commercial deployment of VRFB, invented in Australia by Professor Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, a valued member of our Technical Advisory Group.

In these respects, Tivan is a uniquely Australian story.