Tivan is a diversified critical
minerals company, based in Darwin
Following a change of control in Q4 2022, we have embraced diversification as a strategy, creating value opportunities through acquisition and organic growth. We own different projects at different locations at different stages of development, capturing a diversified basket of critical minerals. We are also pursuing varied downstream opportunity sets, encompassing ‘dig & ship’ and ‘sovereign capability’.
Tivan is positioned to create generational value for shareholders, and to contribute meaningfully to the energy transition.

Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct (MASDP)
a sustainable development precinct of strategic national importance, with strong planning and funding commitments from all levels of Government. The Tivan Processing Facility (TPF) will be established at MASDP.
JORC Measured Indicated and inferred Resource totalling 4,712Mt, grading 0.30% V2O5, 3.3% TiO2 and 14.7% Fe
Mount Peake
JORC Measured Indicated and inferred Resource totalling 160Mt, grading 0.28% V2O5, 5.3% TiO2 and 23% Fe
Two contiguous blocks of Exploration tenements covering a span of 8,000km2 considered prospective to host lithium-bearing pegmatites, sediment-hosted copper and Iron Oxide Copper Gold (“IOCG”).
Community engagement
Tivan operates in some of the most remote parts of Australia. We are proudly headquartered in Darwin, as part of our commitment to local engagement with community and stakeholders. We support the genuine inclusion of Traditional Owners and Native Title holders throughout the project development life cycle.

Capturing the critical
minerals thematic
At Tivan we believe the critical minerals sector will play a multi-generational role in facilitating the global energy transition. We have the foundations to build an iconic Australian company.